
Get the details on MSNBC anchors openly mocking Virginia voters' concerns about immigration during Super Tuesday.

As Donald Trump swept Super Tuesday, MSNBC anchors Jen Psaki, Joy Reid, and Rachel Maddow openly mocked Republican primary voters in Virginia by saying immigration was their top concern.

They mocked voters when analyzing early exit polls.

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Openly mocking voters who worry about uncontrolled immigration

The New York Post reports, “I live in Virginia. Immigration was the No. 1 issue,” Saki said, drawing laughter from (Joey Reid).

“Well, Virginia has a border with West Virginia, a — a very contested area,” Maddow quipped, setting more of a chart than her co-hosts, the Post added.

In a later part of the debate, Reid made a broad generalization, claiming that Republicans vote against their own economic interests because of racism and bigotry.

“They don’t vote based on economics, or based on the benefits they’re getting economically from the president,” he argued.

“They are voting on race; They’re voting on this idea of ​​an invasion of brown people at the border, the idea that they can’t get the jobs they want.

Post story continues:

Reid, who is black, further claimed that GOP supporters want to “kick all blacks out of college” and get rid of diversity, equity, and inclusion policies.

“They’re just voting specifically on racial animus at this stage. It’s not about economics,” declared the host of MSNBC’s “The ReidOut,” with Psaki agreeing.

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Clueless elites

Despite these MSNBC hosts dismissing a very real concern for everyday Americans, a recent Gallup poll showed that immigration has become a major concern among voters.

The poll, released in late February, showed that 28 percent of Americans listed immigration as their top concern, up from 20 percent in January.

It might be a trivial thing for MSNBC personalities to talk about, but for the working class, they see a real problem that isn’t getting the attention it deserves.

They are the same kind of hosts who wonder why Donald Trump is doing so well and their favorite Republican presidential candidate, Joe Biden, is doing so poorly.

They will keep their heads in the seat, keep laughing at it.

But come November, chances are they’re in for a rude awakening.

is a professional writer and editor with more than 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He… More about John Hanson

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