Former liberal Fox News bomb-thrower Geraldo Rivera jumped on his X account to vilify Americans who are concerned about illegal aliens swarming our borders.

In Tuesday’s X-Post, Rivera, who was fired from Fox News’ “The Five” last year, quipped, “A lot of people who relate to illegal immigrant aliens have never really seen one.”

This idea is absurd on its face.

Joe Biden’s illegal alien crisis has brought more illegal aliens into the country than the entire legal population of Arizona (and 36 other states).

Even back in 2021, during Biden’s first year in office, his open-door policies brought in more than the population of 11 states illegally.

And by last year, the number of states had grown to a staggering 22 states, according to The Daily Signal.

It is the height of Rivera’s insanity to imagine that so many illegals could flood the country and live among us undetected and unobserved to the point where “many people” would never have encountered an illegal alien in the United States. .

In fact, no matter where you live in this vast country, you will meet them. In stores, on street corners, in our airports, in our schools, in our big cities, where left-wing mayors are giving them free housing, in every corner of the country, you’ll find someone here. There is a lot of opportunity to meet people. Illegally. And if you live in a border state, or in a big city, you can’t avoid illegal encounters if you want to.

Rivera didn’t try to get his nonsense out without a blow, though. Many took to social media to blast him for his no-nonsense stance against illegal immigration.

X-user Sir Winston had the best response, of course, writing, “But Riley saw one.” That was the last thing he saw. Tell him his name is Geraldo.

Laken Riley is a dynamic, 22-year-old Georgia cop who was allegedly killed by a dangerous illegal alien who the Biden administration allowed to freely travel into the country without repercussion.

X user Kevin Dalton Post the titles stories about the rape and murder of illegal Americans. Dalton added, “Well, let’s meet up, shall we?” And added links to his previous posts with headlines.

Another X user called Rivera an “idiot.”

“You are full of BS and arrogance. Read what you posted. It’s absurd,” he wrote. “Physically knowing whether someone is here illegally or not has no bearing on the testimony of what their presence is doing to our country. Crime is everywhere, with taxpayers paying the most in big Democratic cities – their state and city taxes provide housing, food, clothing and medical care – all for free. Many of those who came illegally will never contribute to our country. They will forever depend on American citizens to continue their financial support.

“Prove your support for them. Invite a family – coming live with you doesn’t confirm you’re an upstanding citizen. Put your money where your big mouth is,” he demanded.

Rivera has been promoting this softening of the illegal immigration doctrine for years. Back in 2007, he and former Fox News star Bill O’Reilly got into a heated argument about illegal aliens and their impact on this country.

Geraldo Rivera has been illegally soft for decades. And he doesn’t care how many Americans pay the price in the meantime.

This article originally appeared on Western Journal.

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